I am an avid dog lover. Though I started late with the actually owning dogs - only once I had 'Grown Out Of' My allergies. Haha. Funny. You never grow out of allergies but you learn to deal with them. I will never forget my first Dog. Her name was BishGate Red Star. She was a champion bred red wheaten Rhodesian Ridgeback. One of the most stunning bitches you would have ever laid eyes on, a very elegant and regal dog with a very 'correct' frame. She was my dog. I would spend hours just lying with her and playing with her , though this was only once a day. One thing you learn very early on with Star; Sleep took up 23 hours a day.
Pirelli was the second attempt at getting a friend for star, the first attempt Dusty, ended with a small incident with my mother, an Audi and a Pirelli Tire. Oops. A Tiny Jack Russell with the cutest face ever and 3 palm sized spots on her back. She had the uncanny ability to wheedle her way into even the coldest of hearts. She was a true terrier though - if it moved she would try and catch it.
Every December holiday my family and I would head down to the coast for a month long vacation to soothe the soul - it never failed to add memories and laughter to our lives. Most years my dad would insist that we do a family walk about 5 km along the beach from the Mouth of Bushmens River to Quy Hook. It was breath taking and wonderful but we always started at a horrendous hour in the morning so that we would have the beach to ourselves and this day was no different. Setting off with the dogs we headed out to the mouth - having to force Star through the high water when the river was at high tide - for some unknown reason Star was petrified of water- could it have something to do with my mom telling me to teach her where the steps were by pushing her in the pool as a pup - probably.
Once we got passed the mouth there was an expanse of beach that could rival any National Geographic or Getaway Magazine cover and for the moment all we shared it with was the birds. Amazing and breath taking, I watched my family walk and laugh to ahead of me with a knowledge that I would never forget this moment. I was 20 then and Little did I know that my Life would change just a few months later. But walking along I noticed that Pirelli was running along the shore line sniffing at the wonders that the lowering tides had left to be found; a piece of cloth, a cuttle fish some wire - all signs of the oceans power and mystery. All of a sudden her head shot up and in the blink of an eye she was off. A race with a swallow bird that had happened to have caught her eye, the race was at lightening speed, turn left, swerve right and again. Pirelli's focus was complete and her goals were insight just a hairs width away the bird banked left, with Pirelli drifting - that would put most rally drivers to shame, to follow suit. Right into the Indian Ocean.
What happened next was spectacular, we view the scene with horrified amusement as the little dog lost her faith in Jesus Christ as her attempt to walk on water failed her. Nose diving into the receding water she showed her grace and agility with a series of front flips that a gymnast would envy. After a tense moment where she was completely lost to us under the water (where we were holding our breaths for her) she emerged, a little shell shocked and a lot embarrassed. With a quick look to see no one was looking and a shake for good measure, she quietly joined the rest of the family following meekly behind with a distinct lack of lustre in her eyes.
Until she spotted another worthy opponent...