Sunday, 27 February 2011

Hoo Hoo - NO SHNOO

Right! I have had enough! ONE incident and now everyone is hooting at me... As in hoo hoo the call of the wild ... OWL.

It is enough to be the out in out WORST horse rider on the yard. It is an accepted fact and I embrace my position in the world with the smile on my face but I have to say that this one takes the cake. God obviously thinks it is time for me to give up horse riding and focus on my other passions - interpretative dance anyone? - I mean this is simply ridiculous.

So on Sunday I fell off Shnoo. It was stupid and yet rather funny but oh well I landed up on the floor... GREAT. But then matters only got worse. I was riding on Wednesday. Well I wouldnt even say that. I would say I had JUST sat on Shnoo and Started walking around the INDOOR arena minding my own business when a bird flew into me. Yes.

A bird flew into me.



While I was riding.

To say I hate birds is an exaggeration but I am not their biggest fan at the best of times. I mean birds are meant to be free and flying in open air - NOT INSIDE AN ARENA. So Shnoo being the simpleton she was got a fright and stopped. And I got a bigger fright and SCREAMED. But My wonderful horse just stood there while that creature beat me with its wings... NOT COOL. Alright maybe Beat me might be a stretch but what the heck I am typing here. Artistic License.

The poor bird was so disorientated that it took off again... STRAIGHT INTO THE MIRRORS. Well this is where the drama ensued. Shnoo - already alarmed - spooked at the almighty crash and I landed up at her feet. With Shnoo looking at me like I was the biggest idiot she had ever seen. GREAT. So after a breather where my vision cleared and I could remember my name, I walked over to the crumpled mass on the floor. It was not just a bird. IT WAS AN OWL. Seriously. An. Owl.

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