It is enough to be the out in out WORST horse rider on the yard. It is an accepted fact and I embrace my position in the world with the smile on my face but I have to say that this one takes the cake. God obviously thinks it is time for me to give up horse riding and focus on my other passions - interpretative dance anyone? - I mean this is simply ridiculous.
So on Sunday I fell off Shnoo. It was stupid and yet rather funny but oh well I landed up on the floor... GREAT. But then matters only got worse. I was riding on Wednesday. Well I wouldnt even say that. I would say I had JUST sat on Shnoo and Started walking around the INDOOR arena minding my own business when a bird flew into me. Yes.
A bird flew into me.
While I was riding.
To say I hate birds is an exaggeration but I am not their biggest fan at the best of times. I mean birds are meant to be free and flying in open air - NOT INSIDE AN ARENA. So Shnoo being the simpleton she was got a fright and stopped. And I got a bigger fright and SCREAMED. But My wonderful horse just stood there while that creature beat me with its wings... NOT COOL. Alright maybe Beat me might be a stretch but what the heck I am typing here. Artistic License.
The poor bird was so disorientated that it took off again... STRAIGHT INTO THE MIRRORS. Well this is where the drama ensued. Shnoo - already alarmed - spooked at the almighty crash and I landed up at her feet. With Shnoo looking at me like I was the biggest idiot she had ever seen. GREAT. So after a breather where my vision cleared and I could remember my name, I walked over to the crumpled mass on the floor. It was not just a bird. IT WAS AN OWL. Seriously. An. Owl.
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