Thursday, 19 August 2010

Open Waters!

Not too long ago my brother met a sweet young girl and they had a typical all or nothing romance that happens when you are young and tender! Unfortunately the romance didnt last be our familys are now fast friends. In fact they emigrated out of South Africa first. When they did this they left us with the oldest hobbi-cat 16 ever! But to my brother and I it was amazing! We had grown up sailing a Layer and Oppi and so this aged boat was the next step in our sailing adventures.

A week later my parents allowed us siblings to go on a holiday to try out our new aquisttion and oh man was it amazing! We headed off to our time share resort property on Sterkfontien Dam. Whilst I spent most of my days working with the young horses I watched my brother and sister zip across the waters infront of me. When I finally tore myself from the horses I raced down to the waters edge and off we went! Qwantani is based on the south side of the dam in a alcove about 1.5 km wide and the dam itself is one of the oldest and deepest banked dams in Africa and when I say that there are hardly ever any boats on the water I am not lying! We have been on the water on one of the most beautiful days and there only being 3 other boats on the water! My family loved water sports. We had Rowing boats, sailing Boats, Wind Surfers, Canoes, Paddle Skis and then a Power Boat with all the toys. We literally would stay on the water all day no matter the weather.

So off my Brother and I went into the open water on the most amazing gift we have ever received. when the wind gusted we would be up on one hull with me hoping that we could may be not flip. The white hulls dragged left and right catching the changing wind and then I saw it! With winds changing it means one thing in the Drakensburg... RAIN! So we Jived and were racing home hoping against all hopes that we could get back before the skys opened and drowned us out! It was one of the most exhilarating feelings leaning out back over the open water and watching a storm draw near!

As we entered the Harbor the heavens decended and we were left cold and wet and with the Biggest Smiles on our faces ever!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Beach Riding!

While I speak to many of my friends here about riding and what they would like to do most of them answer simply - a gallop on the beach. And for me I have to smile at the memories! I have had plenty of beach rides thanks to Mel and Jon at Beachcombers who took me on as an overweight 15 year old and gave me the opportunity to ride as long as I helped out with the Trails and Tacking up!

And then we rode. I have ridden a variaty of horses on the beach and many of them stick out! There was Charlie - the ANCIENT Boerperd/THB that was just such a confidence booster. There was Ebony the Percheron cross that was 'mine' the slowest steadiest of the pack that with out a doubt came in last every time! Then there was Samurai the Giant of the pack. He was amazing! Never one to be left behind this chestnut machine Raced across the sand and made you feel like the world was yours and you were there to race the wind! I can only imagine the speed that he pulled off with out me there! We just had to slide down the sand bank and onto the beach and he was bubbling! he made me feel like there wasnt a fear in the world and we would be off! The pounding of hooves and the smell of breathe and all too soon it was over! AND I WOULD BE IN THE FRONT! For a fat girl to win anything was just amazing!

So this is a thank you To those who can make peoples dreams come true!